
You don’t want an expensive lawyer or a cheap lawyer. You want a lawyer that provides you with good value. This means good service at the right price.

You can't know if you're going to get good value if you don't know how much you will need to pay. Wherever possible, we provide inclusive quotes so there’s no surprises. When you engage us, you will know what you will get and what it will cost. We don’t charge to get to know you and what you want to achieve. We don’t charge you while you get to know us.  

Price Components

Where-ever possible, our prices are fixed and fully inclusive. That means that the price includes:

  • disbursements – these are things we buy from other people to complete the job. This can include things like fees for ASIC or property searches, registering and stamping documents, council searches and electronic settlements on the PEXA platform. These are like the “parts” we have to buy to do the job for you.
  • tax – GST. Our quotes always include GST so you know the final price.

We price work as standalone jobs / projects, retainer arrangements or as a hybrid of both.

Ultimately, we want you to know the bottom line – how much you have to pay at the end of the day for the service you want. So that’s what we tell you when we give you a quote. Sometimes you might get a quote which seems cheap but many quotes don’t include GST. Worse, lots of quotes don’t include all the disbursements.

Property Pricing

Residential Conveyancing

We charge a fixed and fully inclusive price for all residential property conveyancing – it’s the same price whether you are buying or selling a house. It’s less if you are buying or selling vacant land. Either way the price includes search fees, registration fees and GST. There’s nothing added on at the end. You know exactly how much you will pay from the start.

Commercial Leasing

Leasing is a bit like conveyancing. We charge a fixed price for leasing. It involves search and registration fees which we break down in our quote. We break out the GST so it makes book keeping easier, but we always include the fully inclusive total.

Commercial & Rural Conveyancing

Commercial and rural conveyancing often involves more work and more complexity. For these transactions, we will talk to you and review the matter before giving you a quote that breaks out estimated disbursements and GST.

Business Pricing

Business sale and purchase

We charge a fixed and fully inclusive price for business sales and purchases. The price includes estimated disbursements, contract fees and GST. The fee covers everything involved in your transaction or advice matter and there’s nothing added at the end.

Commercial / business advice

For commercial matters we spend time to understand the job before scoping and pricing. The price includes everything. Sometimes we can only estimate disbursements, but we will tell you if that’s the case.

Estate planning and administration

Estate planning

We fix a standard price for standard estate planning matters. We can tell you exactly how much it will be. For some people there are difficult issues to address or creative things we can do to make your estate plan more tax effective. For non standard estate planning matters we will give you a quote to consider before we get started.

Estate administration

Estate administration costs fall into 3 categories:

  • Court filing fees. When we apply for probate or administration, there is a court application fee. The application fee is set by the Court and is determined by the value of the assets in the deceased person’s estate.
  • Preparing court documents. There is a fixed fee for preparing court documents. It’s set by legislation and is determined by the value of the assets in the deceased person’s estate.
  • Administration fees. This part depends on the complexity of the deceased person’s estate and their will.

Like with all our matters, we will give you a quote to consider before we get started wherever possible.